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Ventura Trading AG
Haldenstrasse 5
Postfach 1238
CH - 6341 Baar
Ball am Quai
It's waltz time! The Franz restaurant in Lucerne, which is famous for his Viennese flair, invites you to a rushing ball night on Saturday, May 7th. At the “Ball am Quai”, guests will experience an enjoyable evening with a top-class gala dinner, champagne lounge and cocktail bar, as well as a coffee salon with coffee specialties from Cosmo Single Estate Coffee and the finest Viennese cake art.
Psssst! In this year's auction, a unique offer from Cosmo Coffee is also waiting for you.
Travel to where the coffee plants grow. With your price you can enjoy a stay for 3 nights at the Fazenda Ipiranga including pick-up from Sao Paulo. You will be spoiled with full board and a horse tour as well as information about coffee culture directly in the field.
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