Contact us
Ventura Trading AG
Haldenstrasse 5
Postfach 1238
CH - 6341 Baar
Single Estate Coffee
What's special about Cosmo Coffee is that we know exactly where our coffee comes from. From cultivation to harvesting to drying, everything happens at the family-owned Fazenda Ipiranga in south-eastern Brazil. For the refinement of the Cosmo Coffee beans, we rely on selected roasting partners in our vicinity.
What is Single Estate Coffee?
Single Estate Coffee is the highest quality grade for coffee: the beans only come from one farm and are not mixed with beans from other origins. The purity of the variety allows the specific characteristics of the Single Estate Coffee to be tasted particularly well.
We grow our coffee on the family-owned Fazenda Ipiranga in south-eastern Brazil. We cultivate the fields by hand at the beginning of the rainy season in October. In doing so, we ensure minimal use of pesticides, insecticides and fungicides and use natural fertiliser wherever possible.
We harvest around 360 tonnes of coffee beans every year between May and September. For an efficient result, we harvest most of our coffee mechanically, a smaller amount is picked by hand by our field staff. We then grade the coffee beans according to size, quality and color.
The beans are dried on large patios under the Brazilian sun. To ensure even drying and a clean cup profile, they are raked and turned regularly. We then dry the beans mechanically with hot air.
From Fazenda Ipiranga, the dried coffee beans are sent directly to our selected roasting partners in Switzerland and Austria for refinement. There the Cosmo Coffee beans are gently roasted in small batches and then packaged fresh and strictly aluminum-free.