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Ventura Trading AG
Haldenstrasse 5
Postfach 1238
CH - 6341 Baar
Ventura Trading AG
Haldenstrasse 5
Postfach 1238
CH - 6341 Baar
Caffè Mocha
If you like coffee and chocolate, you'll love Caffè Mocha! A coffee speciality where hot espresso meets smooth chocolate and milk foam! In this article, we'll show you which recipe we prefer to drink it with.
- 50 - 60 ml espresso (double espresso)
- 30 g chocolate (e.g. milk or dark)
- 100 - 120 ml milk
- Chocolate sprinkles as a topping (optional)
- Break the chocolate into small pieces and melt. In between, add a little water and a little milk and stir again and again until you have a smooth mixture.
- Prepare your double espresso
- Heat your milk and pour it into the milk frother until you have a nice frothy consistency.
- Put two teaspoons of the melted chocolate into a glass cup and pour the espresso over it. Stir well with a spoon.
- Now slowly pour in the foamed milk.
As a topping, you can sprinkle your Mocha Latte with chocolate.
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