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Dalgona Coffee

Dalgona Coffee

Der Hype um den Dalgona-Kaffee war während dem Lockdown eine echtes Phänomen.

Wir lieben dieses süsse Getränk, glauben aber, dass man es noch verbessern kann, wenn man statt des üblichen Instantkaffees frisch gebrühten Espresso verwendet

  • 4 tbsp Brewed Espresso, Hot
  • 4 tbsp Sugar
  • 120 ml Milk, Cold
  • 60 ml Espresso, cold (optional)

  1. Combine sugar and hot espresso in a mixing bowl. Use an electric mixer to mix espresso and sugar on medium to high speed for about 5 minutes or until meringue forms.
  2. Fill a glass with ice and add cold milk and or cold espresso.
  3. Top with whipped coffee and serve with a spoon for mixing.

Have fun with trying out ☕️

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