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Der Leitfaden für Einsteiger zum </p> Kaffee-Experten - Tipp #2
Everything you need to know when steaming milk

Make sure it's cold and fresh

Make sure you start the steaming process with cold milk, this will allow you more time to work the milk to your desired texture without overheating and burning it.

Tip - For the best texture use Whole milk as it allows for the best micro foam. If using plant alternatives try and use a 'barista' variety as they are made with steaming in mind.


Add air easily

By positioning the tip of the wand just under the milk it allows for air to be sucked in and can increase the volume anywhere from 25-80%, depending on the drink being made.


Add in Texture 

Raise and tilt the Milk jug, this should cause a whirlpool-like effect that will break down the bigger bubbles creating a denser and smoother foam.


Tip - Tap and swirl your pitcher after you are done to remove any unwanted bubbles in the milk.

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